Wednesday, June 18, 2008

La Musica Increíble de los Años Ochenta

Hello there...

Here in Sopachuy we are still getting ready for the Feria and prepping the garden... not much new to report work-wise, relatively busy and happy, especially now that I am free of that maldito skin rash. I am working on A Confederacy of Dunces, my seventh book since I arrived in site as many weeks ago. Also halfway through 3 separate songs... hopefully at least one will turn into something, I am hedging my bets!

We celebrated Daniela´s 3rd birthday yesterday, Valentina´s little girl... typical kid party, lots of running and cake. They blasted a DVD of American music videos from the 1980´s -- I was ecstatic to revisit such musical gems as Rock Me Amadeus, Somebody´s Watching Me, We are the World, If You Want my Body, the Grease Mega Mix, I Was Made for Loving You, and Who Can it Be Now. (I will admit, however, that ¨Take on Me¨ is a guilty pleasure.) I was the tallest so I suspended the piñata while the kids waited underneath like a pack of ravenous hyenas. Then we sat around and drank beer, and the participating in the conversation became more and more challenging with each glass. But it was a good time.

More soon.


Unknown said...

Dude, I'm so jealous that you got to be there for the cumpleanos. Elena said it was a rockin' time. Take care of them for me. And let me know if I can send along anything, coffee, magazines...

ramona said...

We are headed to Jax for the week. We'll make sure to toast you by the pool many times. And I will hit a house playing golf on Sunday in your honor.

I may even break into the chorus of "Cart Return."

Love and miss you like crazy.

Farrah said...

Hey there, Porter! It’s Farrah! Wes emailed me a great Jason Mraz song and it made me think of you. How‘s it going? From your blog it seems as though you are really enjoying your time there. I can’t wait for you to get back though. It would really be nice to hear some of your new songs and it’s always so much fun to hear you and Wes jam especially with all the guys around. Keep on sharing you heart! They are lucky to have you there!

susieb1202 said...

I just want to let you know that we are wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Not many guys your age get to spend their birthday in Bolivia, that means you are special. But we already knew that, 'eh?
Your Goddaughter danced for you today. She ended a 6 week dance session this afternoon, she dances like a um, well, 'filiatreau'. But I am hoping. She just has to learn some balance, but she is terribly cute in her tight pink leotard and tap funny.
The boys are prepping for football. David (Big D) is going to coach the 3rd and 4th tackle team (1st time for that), Bernie may not be able to play because of his heart condition (he's had it since birth, nothing new, don't panic) but he is pretty low about it. David has promised him a position as a trainer or manager or something where he IS part of the team.
David (Little D) is anxious about this season, he really wants to play football, but he was not chosen as captain, and that has him a little ruffled; he'll get over it, I am sure.
I am preparing myself for full time work. I will still be at the hospital, but working 7p-7a 3 nights a week. The kiddos are not looking forward to school starting (except Sophie, she 'cannot wait')
So I will have an empty house and nothing better to do than to sleep, so I thought I should work for it.
Anyway, we miss you terribly and hope you are safe.
Enjoy your birthday and behave.
We Love You man
Be Safe, be good, and have fun.
The Bowlings-Louisville, Ky.